
The Institute of Mathematics. Learn about us

Welcome to the home page of the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Potsdam. We are one of eight institutes in the Faculty of Science. The Faculty is the largest of the six faculties at the University of Potsdam. We thank you for your interest in our institute, our research projects and collaborations.Learn more


State Maths Olympiad round

This year's state round of the Brandenburg Mathematical Olympiad took place in Blossin from 23 to 25 February. In two challenging exams, the best young mathematicians were selected for the team that will represent Brandenburg at the Federal Olympiad in Flensburg in June.

We congratulate Lenni Gohlke, Laetitia Salzwedel, Anna Tittel, Dora Erdmann, Klara Guzenda, Magdalena Baltes, Clara Buchholz, Erik Cesca Fernandez, Luca Zucchelli and Jonathan Baumann and keep our fingers crossed for them for the national round!

Introductory Event Master of Science

Welcome new Master students!

We cordially invite all new Master of Science students to our hybrid introductory event on Monday 08 April 2024 at 16:15 in room 2.22 house 9 (Institute of Mathematics). In the event, we will introduce you to the degree programme and the lectures and seminars offered in the coming semester.

Information about the Master's programme can be found here. The Zoom access data for the introductory event and other current information can be found here in Moodle.

Interview with Christian Bär about zbMATH Open

Prof. Christian Bär has been the new Editor-in-Chief of the international open access information service for mathematics zbMATH Open since 1 January 2024. Read Christian Bär's interview on quality assurance, the topic of "Open Science" and his plans as Editor-in-Chief here.

Fascinating maths

Invitation to the opening of our mathematics exhibition on 31 January 2024 at 14:30 in the foyer of the Golm/IKMZ Departmental Library: The exhibition was organised by 24 Master's students under the direction of Inga Gebel. Discover fascinating topics such as the connection between mathematics and music and broaden your view of this versatile subject. The exhibition is open until 14 March 2024; please bring an internet-enabled device and headphones for the interactive elements. You can find more information here.


Information on Starting Your Studies

Welcome to the Institute of Mathematics!

The University of Potsdam offers you a variety of counselling and introductory services at the beginning of your studies. On the central website you will find information on the bridge and preliminary course in mathematics, university athletics and all important services offered by the university.


Study Mathematics in Potsdam for a Bachelor or Master in Science or Education


Information on Programs, Organization and Advising Offers

The study of Mathematics opens a variety of doors for a career in business, industry, education or science. The University of Potsdam offers students interested in Mathematics a diverse, research-oriented course of study with numerous links to research centers outside the university. Learn more


Research and Contact Information

There are currently 15 professors at the Institute of Mathematics in Potsdam. Their research groups represent a broad spectrum of current research directions in Mathematics. Members of the institute coordinate a Collaborative Research Center (SFB 1294) and are part of the steering committee of a Priority Program (SPP 2026) both financed by the German Research Foundation DFG. Learn more

New to the Institute

We would like to welcome our new colleagues to the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Potsdam. The most important information about the first days at the institute can be found in our onboarding document.

I am very happy about the opportunity to represent the Chair of Data Assimilation (Prof. Melina Freitag) this winter term 23/24. After completing my doctorate in 2021 at Goethe University in Frankfurt, I worked for two years as a Hausdorff postdoc at the Institute for Numerical Simulation at the University of Bonn. Following the deputy professorship, I will move to the TU Berlin as a junior research group leader.

My research focusses on the interface of numerics and statistics. I investigate adaptive solution methods for high-dimensional inverse problems, dimension reduction for untrained neural networks and stochastic optimisation methods. A special focus is on discretisation-adaptive regularisation, which is a new type of multiparametric regularisation techniques.

I started a postdoc position in the Geometry group at the beginning of October and am excited about the opportunity to work with my new colleagues. In my dissertation in Bonn, which I completed earlier this year, I worked on a formula for Hadamard coefficients (the Lorentz equivalent of heat conduction coefficients).

My more general research interests are geometry (especially Lorentz geometry), global analysis, operator theory and mathematical physics. Following on from my dissertation, I plan to work on finding a Lorentzian equivalent of a spectral action, but am also happy to see joint research projects on other topics.

I am very happy about the extraordinary opportunity to fill the professorship for mathematical physics in the winter semester 23/24. In addition to the opportunity to teach and a fruitful collaboration with the colleagues of the institute, this offers me a wonderful framework for dealing with my research projects.

My research area lies in the fields of geometric and global analysis. I am interested in problems of (discrete) differential geometry and analysis of partial differential equations, which are partly motivated by questions of mathematical physics. More information can be found on my personal website.

Information Regarding the Consequences of the Corona Crisis