The favorite formulas of the research group.

Chair of Analysis


Welcome to the website of the Working Group on Analysis.  The working group is headed by Professor Sylvie Paycha and the secretariat is represented by Sylke Pfeiffer.

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We work on calculus of a wide breadth, including analytic index theory, elliptic boundary value problems, manifolds with singularities, pseudo-differential operators, multizeta functions as parts of mathematics, as well as regularisation and renormalisation methods in quantum field theory. Analysis, a foundation of mathematics, offers many points of contact with other areas of mathematics such as geometry and operator theory, but also with physics. Thanks to these multifaceted relationships and its long tradition, this discipline - despite its advanced age - remains in full swing and forms a central building block of today's mathematics.

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Test Box

Test box

Interviews with mathematicians

Women in mathematics

Making a place for herself in the male-dominated mathematical community is no easy task for a woman, and often women mathematicians encounter particular difficulties in doing so. Exhibitions, lectures and debates will shed light on the special situation of women in mathematics.

Contemporary of reunification point at the Mathematical Institute in Potsdam (March 2018).

In this series of interviews, male and female mathematicians from Potsdam who experienced the reunification at the Institute of Mathematics or were hired shortly afterwards talk about their experiences. The first interviews were conducted by Prof. Sylvie Paycha in early 2018. Further interviews were conducted by Dr Elke Rosenberger in early 2019.


Interview with Pierre Cartier (04.12.2014)

Interview (French with English subtitles)

Interview (French)


Our working group is actively involved in the diverse teaching programme of the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Potsdam. You can find out more about the seminars and lectures we offer here.


We would be pleased to welcome you at our seminars and events organised by our working group. You can find out more about our current dates here.