This work provides a necessary and sufficient condition for a symbolic dynamical system to admit a sequence of periodic approximations in the Hausdorff topology. The key result proved and applied here uses graphs that are called De Bruijn graphs, Rauzy graphs, or Anderson–Putnam complex, depending on the community. Combining this with a previous result, the present work justifies rigorously the accuracy and reliability of algorithmic methods used to compute numerically the spectra of a large class of self-adjoint operators. The so-called Hamiltonians describe the effective dynamic of a quantum particle in aperiodic media. No restrictions on the structure of these operators other than general regularity assumptions are imposed. In particular, nearest-neighbor correlation is not necessary. Examples for the Fibonacci and the Golay–Rudin–Shapiro sequences are explicitly provided illustrating this discussion. While the first sequence has been thoroughly studied by physicists and mathematicians alike, a shroud of mystery still surrounds the latter when it comes to spectral properties. In light of this, the present paper gives a new result here that might help uncovering a solution.