Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kortenkamp


+49 331 977-1470

Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung



2017 | Raum und Form | Ulrich Kortenkamp, Bernd WollringVerlag: Kallmeyer KlettBuchtitel: Basiswissen Lehrerbildung: Mathematik UnterrichtenSeiten: 99–112

Raum und Form

Autoren: Ulrich Kortenkamp, Bernd Wollring (2017)

Kallmeyer Klett
Basiswissen Lehrerbildung: Mathematik Unterrichten

2016 | Vorwärts-Rückwärts zum Begriff. Konstruktion und Re-Konstruktion von Zugfiguren. | Ulrich Kortenkamp, Christian DohrmannZeitschrift: Mathematik lehrenSeiten: 18-21Band: 33

Vorwärts-Rückwärts zum Begriff. Konstruktion und Re-Konstruktion von Zugfiguren.

Autoren: Ulrich Kortenkamp, Christian Dohrmann (2016)

Zusammenfassung: Zugfiguren, d.h. dynamische Realisierungen von Konstruktionen im DGS, sind ein gutes Werkzeug, um die heuristischen Strategien des Vorwärts- und Rückwärtsarbeiten zu unterstützen. Was muss man über ein Parallelogramm (oder ein anderes spezielles Viereck) wissen, um dieses zu (re-)konstruieren? Die Beschäftigung damit führt zu elementaren Konstruktionsschritten wie auch zu den Typ-bestimmenden Eigenschaften spezieller Vierecke.

Mathematik lehren

2016 | Und er ist drin! Drin! Drin! | Ulrich Kortenkam, Jürgen Richter-GebertVerlag: Verlag Klaus SeebergerBuchtitel: Digitale Werkzeuge für den MathematikunterrichtSeiten: 296-308

Und er ist drin! Drin! Drin!

Autoren: Ulrich Kortenkam, Jürgen Richter-Gebert (2016)

Verlag Klaus Seeberger
Digitale Werkzeuge für den Mathematikunterricht

2016 | Recent research on geometry education: an ICME-13 survey team report | Nathalie Sinclair, Maria G. Bartolini Bussi, Michael de Villiers, Ulrich Kortenkamp, Allen Leung, Kay OwensSeiten: 1–29Link zur Publikation

Recent research on geometry education: an ICME-13 survey team report

Autoren: Nathalie Sinclair, Maria G. Bartolini Bussi, Michael de Villiers, Ulrich Kortenkamp, Allen Leung, Kay Owens (2016)

This survey on the theme of Geometry Education (including new technologies) focuses chiefly on the time span since 2008. Based on our review of the research literature published during this time span (in refereed journal articles, conference proceedings and edited books), we have jointly identified seven major threads of contributions that span from the early years of learning (pre-school and primary school) through to post-compulsory education and to the issue of mathematics teacher education for geometry. These threads are as follows: developments and trends in the use of theories; advances in the understanding of visuo spatial reasoning; the use and role of diagrams and gestures; advances in the understanding of the role of digital technologies; advances in the understanding of the teaching and learning of definitions; advances in the understanding of the teaching and learning of the proving process; and, moving beyond traditional Euclidean approaches. Within each theme, we identify relevant research and also offer commentary on future directions.


2016 | Model Development in Scientific Discovery Learning with a Computer-Based Physics Task | Saskia Kistner, Regina Vollmeyer, Bruce D. Burns, Ulrich KortenkampZeitschrift: Computers in Human BehaviourLink zur Publikation

Model Development in Scientific Discovery Learning with a Computer-Based Physics Task

Autoren: Saskia Kistner, Regina Vollmeyer, Bruce D. Burns, Ulrich Kortenkamp (2016)

Based on theories of scientific discovery learning and conceptual change, this study explores students' preconceptions in the domain of torques in physics and the development of these conceptions while learning with a scientific discovery learning task. Referring to a three-space theory of scientific discovery learning (Burns & Vollmeyer, 2000), the focus was on the content of model space, which is supposed to contain the current conceptualization/model of the learning domain, and on its change through hypothesis testing and experimenting. A multiple-choice test for assessing students' models of torques was developed and used in a study with secondary school students (N=47) who learned about torques using computer simulations. We identified those aspects of torques about which students had physically correct conceptions, and those about which misconceptions were predominant. Working with the computer simulations led to replacement of some misconceptions with physically correct conceptions, though some misconceptions were still common after learning. Analyzing individual differences in model development, we found that an intense use of the simulations was associated with the acquisition of correct conceptions. The three-space theory provided a useful framework for understanding conceptual change in scientific discovery learning.

Computers in Human Behaviour

2016 | Mathematikfortbildungen mit E-Learning gestalten | Axel Blessing, Christian Dohrmann, Ulrich KortenkampZeitschrift: Beiträge zum MathematikunterrichtVerlag: WTM Verlag

Mathematikfortbildungen mit E-Learning gestalten

Autoren: Axel Blessing, Christian Dohrmann, Ulrich Kortenkamp (2016)

Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht
WTM Verlag

2016 | Jonathan M Borwein (1951–2016): exploring, experiencing and experimenting in mathematics – an inspiring journey in mathematics. | Ulrich Kortenkamp, John Monaghan,Luc TroucheZeitschrift: Educational Studies in MathematicsSeiten: 131-136Band: 93

Jonathan M Borwein (1951–2016): exploring, experiencing and experimenting in mathematics – an inspiring journey in mathematics.

Autoren: Ulrich Kortenkamp, John Monaghan,Luc Trouche (2016)

Summary: Jonathan M Borwein died on August 2nd. He was a major figure in the field of experimental mathematics. His death, at 65, was an astonishment for his family and his colleagues. We three, as mathematics educators who have worked with Jon, have been asked to pay homage to his life and his work. But we three have only shared a part of Jon's tremendous appetite for life and work, so we barely scratch the surface of the significance of his work. Ulli writes about Jon's experimental mathematics, Luc writes about the implications of Jon's work for mathematics education and John writes about Jon, culture and mathematics.

Educational Studies in Mathematics

2016 | Development of a Flexible Understanding of Place Value | Silke Ladel, Ulrich KortenkampVerlag: Springer International PublishingBuchtitel: Mathematics Education in the Early Years: Results from the POEM2 Conference, 2014Seiten: 289–307Link zur Publikation

Development of a Flexible Understanding of Place Value

Autoren: Silke Ladel, Ulrich Kortenkamp (2016)

Springer International Publishing
Mathematics Education in the Early Years: Results from the POEM2 Conference, 2014

2016 | CindyJS. Mathematical visualization on modern devices | Martin von Gagern, Ulrich Kortenkamp, Jürgen Richter-Gebert, Michael StrobelZeitschrift: Mathematical Software – ICMS 2016: 5th International ConferenceReihe: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9725Verlag: Springer International PublishingSeiten: 319–326Link zur Publikation

CindyJS. Mathematical visualization on modern devices

Autoren: Martin von Gagern, Ulrich Kortenkamp, Jürgen Richter-Gebert, Michael Strobel (2016)

The CindyJS Project brings interactive mathematical visualization to a broad variety of devices. Using projective geometry, homotopy methods and well tuned algorithms the CindyJS project is one of the first real time capable software projects in this field that at the same time approaches high-level mathematical descriptions and performance.

Mathematical Software – ICMS 2016: 5th International Conference
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9725
Springer International Publishing

2016 | Artifact-Centric Activity Theory—A Framework for the Analysis of the Design and Use of Virtual Manipulatives | Silke Ladel, Ulrich KortenkampVerlag: Springer International PublishingBuchtitel: International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Virtual ManipulativesSeiten: 25–40Link zur Publikation

Artifact-Centric Activity Theory—A Framework for the Analysis of the Design and Use of Virtual Manipulatives

Autoren: Silke Ladel, Ulrich Kortenkamp (2016)

Springer International Publishing
International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Virtual Manipulatives

2015 | Development of Conceptual Understanding of Place Value | Silke Ladel, Ulrich KortenkampBuchtitel: ICME Study 23

Development of Conceptual Understanding of Place Value

Autoren: Silke Ladel, Ulrich Kortenkamp (2015)

ICME Study 23

2014 | Tätigkeitsorientiert zu einem flexiblen Verständnis von Stellenwerten - Ein Ansatz aus Sicht der Artefact-Centric Activity Theory | Silke Ladel, Ulrich KortenkampBuchtitel: Lernen, Lehren und Forschen mit digitalen MedienBand: 2

Tätigkeitsorientiert zu einem flexiblen Verständnis von Stellenwerten - Ein Ansatz aus Sicht der Artefact-Centric Activity Theory

Autoren: Silke Ladel, Ulrich Kortenkamp (2014)

Lernen, Lehren und Forschen mit digitalen Medien

2014 | Open Discovery Space - Austausch von Open Educational Resources in einem zentralen Netzwerk | Christoph Bail, Ulrich Kortenkamp, Paul LibbrechtZeitschrift: Friedrich-Ebert-StiftungBuchtitel: Schöne neue Welt? Open Educational Resources an SchulenLink zur Publikation

Open Discovery Space - Austausch von Open Educational Resources in einem zentralen Netzwerk

Autoren: Christoph Bail, Ulrich Kortenkamp, Paul Libbrecht (2014)

Schöne neue Welt? Open Educational Resources an Schulen

2014 | Number concepts - processes of internalization and externalization by the use of multi-touch technology | Silke Ladel, Ulrich KortenkampBuchtitel: Early Mathematics Learning

Number concepts - processes of internalization and externalization by the use of multi-touch technology

Autoren: Silke Ladel, Ulrich Kortenkamp (2014)

Early Mathematics Learning

2014 | „Ist das dann noch ein Zehner oder ist das dann ein Einer?'' - Zu einem flexiblen Verständnis von Stellenwerten | Silke Ladel, Ulrich KortenkampVerlag: WTM VerlagBuchtitel: Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht. Vorträge auf der 48. Tagung für Didaktik der Mathematik in Koblenz

„Ist das dann noch ein Zehner oder ist das dann ein Einer?'' - Zu einem flexiblen Verständnis von Stellenwerten

Autoren: Silke Ladel, Ulrich Kortenkamp (2014)

WTM Verlag
Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht. Vorträge auf der 48. Tagung für Didaktik der Mathematik in Koblenz

2014 | Early Mathematics Learning - Selected Papers of the POEM 2012 Conference | Ulrich Kortenkamp, Birgit Brandt, Christiane Benz, Götz Krummheuer, Silke Ladel, Rose VogelVerlag: Springer-VerlagLink zur Publikation

Early Mathematics Learning - Selected Papers of the POEM 2012 Conference

Autoren: Ulrich Kortenkamp, Birgit Brandt, Christiane Benz, Götz Krummheuer, Silke Ladel, Rose Vogel (2014)


2014 | An Explorative Study of Search of Model Space in Problem Solving | Saskia Kistner, Bruce Burns, Regina Vollmeyer, Ulrich KortenkampZeitschrift: Journal of Cognitive PsychologyLink zur Publikation

An Explorative Study of Search of Model Space in Problem Solving

Autoren: Saskia Kistner, Bruce Burns, Regina Vollmeyer, Ulrich Kortenkamp (2014)

Journal of Cognitive Psychology

2014 | So rechnet Deutschland - Ergebnisse und Hypothesen einer Umfrage | Ulrich Kortenkamp, Anselm LambertVerlag: WTM Verlag

So rechnet Deutschland - Ergebnisse und Hypothesen einer Umfrage

Autoren: Ulrich Kortenkamp, Anselm Lambert (2014)

WTM Verlag

2010 | User Interface Design for Dynamic Geometry Software | Ulrich Kortenkamp, Christian DohrmannZeitschrift: Proceedings of CADGME 2009Reihe: 3Seiten: 59-66Band: 2Link zur Publikation

User Interface Design for Dynamic Geometry Software

Autoren: Ulrich Kortenkamp, Christian Dohrmann (2010)

Proceedings of CADGME 2009