30.10.2014, 14:15 Uhr  –  FU Berlin, Arnimallee 3, Room 140
Seminar "Topics in Geometric Analysis"

André Neves and Andrea Marchese

14:15 Uhr
note: exceptional time
André Neves (Imperial College London) Minimal hypersurfaces in manifolds with positive Ricci curvature

I will show that manifolds with positive Ricci curvature have infinitely many minimal smooth embedded hypersurfaces. This is joint work with Fernando Marques

15:45 Uhr
note: exceptional time
Andrea Marchese (MIS Leipzig) Differentiability of Lipschitz functions with respect to measures in the Euclidean space

Rademacher theorem states that every Lipschitz function on the Euclidean space is differentiable almost everywhere, with respect to the Lebesgue measure. I will discuss an extension of this theorem where the Lebesgue measure is replaced by an arbitrary measure. Time permitting, in the last part of the talk, I will show some applications of this result about the theory of currents. This is joint work with Giovanni Alberti.

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